Graphing with Blocks

Children make a graph to indicate preferred activities.


Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.F.02— Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers, number names, and their relationship to object quantities…

Children make a graph in Ms. Carlat’s class to gain experience with one-to-one correspondence as they tally the results of their voting on preferred activities. One child counts the number of blocks for each activity listed on the graph and another child writes that number in the appropriate place on the graph.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.F.03— Children in Ms. Carlat’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials to categorize by one or two attributes, such as…size…

Ms. Carlat encourages the children to look at the length of lines representing the number of votes for each of the different activities on their graph. She indicates to them that they can distinguish between the most and least preferred activity simply by comparing the length of the lines for those activities.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.F.05— The children in Ms. Carlat’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials to help them understand the concept of measurement by using standard and non-standard units of measurement.

Ms. Carlat’s class makes a graph to show which activities children in the class like to do with friends. Each child is given one block to place on the graph indicating his or her preference. As the votes are tallied, Ms. Carlat draws lines on the graph to

show how many children preferred each activity. She asks one child to count the number of blocks and another child writes the number next to the line.



8.2—Engagement and Persistence

Children purposefully choose and persist in experiences and activities.

Children in Ms. Carlat’s class…persist in…activities…

During group time, Ms. Carlat’s class makes a graph of preferred activities. Each child has an opportunity to place a block on the graph indicating his or her preferred activity to do with a friend. The children remain engaged throughout the multi-step process of creating the graph.

11.1—Comparison and Number

Children understand amount, including use of numbers and counting.

Ms. Carlat’s class shows recognition and naming of numerals… counts objects, matching numbers one-to-one with objects… and…uses language such as more or less to compare quantities.

When the children in Ms. Carlat’s class finish voting for which of four activities is their favorite, Ms. Carlat asks different children to count the number of blocks (used for voting) corresponding to each activity. Then Ms. Carlat asks another child to write the number of blocks in each row. Ms. Carlat engages the children in making comparisons and data analysis when she asks children what the class likes to do the most, and which two activities the class likes the least.


Children understand comparisons and measurement.

Ms. Carlat’s class makes comparisons among several objects based on one or more attributes…such as…length…

The children in Ms. Carlat’s class have placed their blocks on a graph to indicate their preferred activity to do with a friend. Ms. Carlat asks the children to think about how they can tell which activity is the most preferred by looking at the graph. When the children tell her which activity is the most preferred, she affirms their answer by pointing out that the longest line on the graph indicates the preferred activity.



Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.23— Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers, number names, and their relationship to object quantities…

Children make a graph in Ms. Carlat’s class to gain experience with one-to-one correspondence as they tally the results of their voting on preferred activities. One child counts the number of blocks for each activity listed on the graph and another child writes that number in the appropriate place on the graph.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.24— Children in Ms. Carlat’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials to categorize by one or two attributes, such as…size…

Ms. Carlat encourages the children to look at the length of lines representing the number of votes for each of the different activities on their graph. She indicates to them that they can distinguish between the most and least preferred activity simply by comparing the length of the lines for those activities.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.25— The children in Ms. Carlat’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials to help them understand the concept of measurement by using standard and non-standard units of measurement.

Ms. Carlat’s class makes a graph to show which activities children in the class like to do with friends. Each child is given one block to place on the graph indicating his or her preference. As the votes are tallied, Ms. Carlat draws lines on the graph to

show how many children preferred each activity. She asks one child to count the number of blocks and another child writes the number next to the line.



1304.21(a)(1)(i) - Ms. Carlat is developmentally and linguistically appropriate, recognizing that children have individual rates of development as well as individual interests, temperaments,…cultural backgrounds, and learning styles by allowing children wait time and time to analyze the graph.

The children in Ms. Carlat’s class have placed their blocks on a graph to indicate their preferred activity to do with a friend. Ms. Carlat asks the children to think about how they can tell which activity is the most preferred by looking at the graph.

1304.21(a)(4)(iii) - Ms. Carlat promotes interaction and language use among children and between children and adults.

Ms. Carlat asks many questions during this group time to give the children opportunities to share what they notice about the graph they are making as a class.

1304.21(a)(4)(iv) - Ms. Carlat supports emerging literacy and numeracy development through materials and activities according to developmental level of… the children by having each child use a block to graph his or her favorite thing to do with a friend.

When the children in Ms. Carlat’s class finish voting for which of four activities is their favorite, Ms. Carlat asks different children to count the number of blocks (used for voting) corresponding to each activity. Then Ms. Carlat asks another child to write the number of blocks in each row. Ms. Carlat engages the children in making comparisons and data analysis when she asks children what the class likes to do the most, and which two activities the class likes the least.




Print Awareness and Concepts

  • Shows increasing awareness of print in classroom, home and community settings.
  • Develops growing understanding of the different functions of forms of print such as signs, letters, newspapers, lists, messages, and memos



Number and Operations

  • Demonstrates increasing interest and awareness of numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and determining quality.
  • Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways.
  • Develops increasing ability to count in sequence to 10 and beyond.
  • Begins to make use of one to one correspondences in counting objects and matching groups of objects.
  • Begins to use language to compare numbers of objects with terms such as more, less, greater than, fewer, equal to.

Patterns and Measurement

  • Shows increasing abilities to match, sort, put in a series, and regroup objects according to one or two attributes such as shape or size.
  • Begins to make comparisons between several objects based on a single attribute.



Scientific Skills and Methods

  • Begins to participate in simple investigations to test observations, discuss and draw conclusions and form generalizations.
  • Develops increased ability to observe and discuss common properties, differences and comparisons among objects and materials.
  • Begins to participate in simple investigations to test observations, discuss and draw conclusions and form generalizations.
  • Develops growing abilities to conflict, describe and record information through a variety of means, including discussion, drawings, maps, and charts.


Approaches to Learning

Initiative and Curiosity

  • Grows in eagerness to learn about and discuss a growing range of topics, ideas and tasks.

Engagement and Persistence

  • Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences

Reasoning and Problem Solving

  • Grows in recognizing and solving problems through active exploration, including trial and error, and interaction and discussions with peers and adults


Physical Health and Development

Health Status and Practices

  • Shows growing independence in hygiene, nutrition and personal care when eating, dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth and toileting.