Engineering the Direction of Objects with Ramps & Pathways

Child creating a ramp.

Child with a zig-zag ramp.

3 boys playing with multiple ramps.

Steep ramp coming down.

Ramps & Pathways is an integrative STEM experience for children PreK-2nd grade. This STEM experience has tremendous educational value as children engage in science and engineering practices as they design and build a system to move objects. Pathways experiences give children endless possibilities to think and create. They build, test their systems, make adjustments, and try again until they are successful. Children are motivated to engage in this process because of the intriguing nature of the materials. Ramps & Pathways provide contexts for children to feel success, and also a context to understand how mistakes are opportunities to learn.

Participants will experience the joy of designing a working system to move objects with the same materials used in PK-2 classrooms and will gain insight into how engaging with these materials can foster rich literacy experiences.

To learn more about Ramps & Pathways, please visit our Ramps & Pathways page. 

Workshop format:  face-to-face

Length of workshop:  3 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 24

View the experience sheet for this workshop.