Math Games

The Iowa Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education is pleased to offer games for educators to download, print, cut out, and play appropriate for children ages 3-8. Many of them are discussed in greater depth in "Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory," a book by Constance Kamii with Leslie Baker Housman. Check back often, as many games are undergoing revision, and more will be added.
These games can be printed on letter or legal size paper or cardstock and laminated for classroom use. Losing cards or damaging a game board doesn't mean the end of the game-- simply print a new copy and you're ready to go. We also include adaptations of commercially made games.
The games are organized by grade level to give teachers a place to start in selecting them for their classrooms. However, teachers will want to consider the range of students in their classrooms and look at the games above and below the grade they are teaching.
For educators needing justification for playing math games, we offer suggestions on how each game addresses standards within the Common Core.