
Sorry game.


Because Sorry has so many rules, it also offers many possibilities for variations. Many other variations could be used successfully, depending on the needs of the children.

The version called simply Sorry reflects (mostly) the standard rules that are included with the game, but shorter and in slightly simpler language. Playing the standard version of Sorry requires that players be able to read. Almost all of the Sorry number cards contain additional instructions (such as the 10 card giving the choice of moving forward 10 spaces or backward 1 space, or the 11 card giving the choice of moving forward 11 spaces or trading spaces with any other marker on the board). Although the written instructions could be ignored and the cards used as simply number cards, this could cause confusion for children who are beginning to read.

The simplified version using number cards instead of the standard Sorry cards is appropriate for non-readers. It also eliminates the rule that players can only move their markers out of start with a 1 or 2. The time it takes for children to draw 1s or 2s can seem too long for many young children who then become frustrated and discouraged. The simplified version also eliminates the Sorry card, which states that a player can take one marker out of start, place it where another player’s marker is on the board, and send that marker back to its start space.

Both games retain the possibility of players having up to 4 markers on the board at once. Players have the opportunity (if not the actual need) to evaluate every possible move before deciding which marker to move. If the game lasts too long when played with all of the markers, the number of markers can be reduced.

Sorry! is produced by Parker Brothers.

Recommended # of players: 2 - 4

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