What Sounds Do You Hear?
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.D.04— Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class have varied opportunities to develop vocabulary through conversations and experiences...
The children are actively engaged in a conversation with Ms. Schuhmacher. Through this conversation, they become familiar with the word “vibrations” and have opportunities to use the word in the course of the conversation.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.E.03— Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class have opportunities to become familiar with print and they are actively involved in making sense of print… Print is used to describe some… routines… Ms. Schuhmacher helps children recognize print and connect it to spoken words.
The children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class work together to spell the words “Friday”, “letter” and “vibrations”. Reading from left to right is modeled during this experience. Ms. Schuhmacher uses this time to tell the children, through the words printed on the white board, that they will be making vibrations later in the day.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.E.05— Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class are provided multiple and varied opportunities to develop phonological awareness… They are encouraged to play with the sounds of language, including… phonemes… and are helped to name… letters and say the sounds they represent.
Ms. Schuhmacher asks the children to “stretch” words in order to help them identify the sounds that make up the words. The process helps the children focus on the sounds that individual letters make.
10.1-Language Understanding and Use
Children understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
Children in Ms. Schuhmacher's class show a steady increase in listening...vocabulary and initiate, listen, and respond appropriately in conversations with...caregivers.
Children in Ms. Schuhmacher's class are well practiced in listening to the individual sounds that letters make within words. Ms. Schuhmacher helps the children identify the letters and their sounds within words by "stretching" the words. The children participate in the conversation with Ms. Schuhmacher appropriately.
10.2-Early Literacy
Children engage in early reading experiences
Children in Ms. Schuhmacher's class identify some alphabet letters by their shapes... and demonstrate awareness that language is made up of words, parts of words, and sounds in words.
One child in Ms. Schuhmacher's class recognizes that two of the letters in the word "Friday" are also in her sister's name. When Ms. Schuhmacher breaks down the word "Friday" into individual sounds, the children correctly identify the sounds used to make up the word.
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.16— Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class have varied opportunities to develop vocabulary through conversations and experiences...
The children are actively engaged in a conversation with Ms. Schuhmacher. Through this conversation, they become familiar with the word “vibrations” and have opportunities to use the word in the course of the conversation.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.19— Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class have opportunities to become familiar with print and they are actively involved in making sense of print… Print is used to describe some… routines… Ms. Schuhmacher helps children recognize print and connect it to spoken words.
The children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class work together to spell the words “Friday”, “letter” and “vibrations”. Reading from left to right is modeled during this experience. Ms. Schuhmacher uses this time to tell the children, through the words printed on the white board, that they will be making vibrations later in the day.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.22—Children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class are provided multiple and varied opportunities to develop phonological awareness… They are encouraged to play with the sounds of language, including… phonemes… and are helped to name… letters and say the sounds they represent.
Ms. Schuhmacher asks the children to “stretch” words in order to help them identify the sounds that make up the words. The process helps the children focus on the sounds that individual letters make.
1304.21(a)(4)(iii) - Ms. Schuhmacher promotes interaction and language use…between children and adults.
The children are actively engaged in a conversation with Ms. Schuhmacher. Through this conversation, they become familiar with the word “vibrations” and have opportunities to use the word in the course of the conversation.
1304.21(a)(4)(iv) – Ms. Schuhmacher supports emerging literacy… development through materials and activities according to the developmental level of each child.
The children in Ms. Schuhmacher’s class work together to spell the words “Friday”, “letter” and “vibrations”. Reading from left to right is modeled during this experience. Ms. Schuhmacher uses this time to tell the children, through the words printed on the white board, that they will be making vibrations later in the day.
Phonological Awareness
- Shows increasing ability to discriminate and identify sounds in spoken language.
- Shows growing awareness of beginning and ending sounds of words.
- Shows growing ability to hear and discriminate separate syllables in words
- Associates sounds with written words, such as awareness that different words begin with the same sound.