Water Table: Funnel
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.B.01- A boy has opportunities to engage...with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to him.
When Ms. Wignall sees one of the boys in her class playing at the water table, she asks him what he notices when he pours water into a funnel. She stays engaged with him as she helps him discover what happens to the water when it's poured into the funnel.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Science
2.G.02- A boy is provided...opportunities and materials to learn key content and principles of science such as...structure and property of matter...
A boy playing at the water table in Ms. Wignall's class has an opportunity to discover the properties of water; how it flows through a funnel and how it can be contained in a cup.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Science
2.G.06- A boy is provided...opportunities and materials that encourages him to think, question, and reason about observed...phenomena.
With the guidance of his teacher, a boy has the opportunity to think and reason about how water behaves as he pours it into a funnel.
11.4-Scientific Reasoning
Children observe, describe, and predict the world around them.
A boy shows curiosity about...non-living things.
Ms. Wignall notices that a boy scoops water at the water table. As he picks up a funnel and begins to pour the water into it, Ms. Wignall asks him where the water goes when he pours it into the funnel. She holds the funnel closer to the boy's eye level so he can see the water coming out of the funnel. Ms. Wignall holds a cup under the funnel as the boy pours water into it and points out that they can catch the water that goes through the funnel. She picks up a colander and encourages him to pour water into that "bowl" and observe what happens to it.
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.12- A boy has opportunities to engage...with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to him.
When Ms. Wignall sees one of the boys in her class playing at the water table, she asks him what he notices when he pours water into a funnel. She stays engaged with him as she helps him discover what happens to the water when it's poured into the funnel.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Science
2.27- A boy is provided...opportunities and materials to learn key content and principles of science such as...structure and property of matter...
A boy playing at the water table in Ms. Wignall's class has an opportunity to discover the properties of water; how it flows through a funnel and how it can be contained in a cup.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Science
2.28- A boy is provided...opportunities and materials that encourages him to think, question, and reason about observed...phenomena.
With the guidance of his teacher, a boy has the opportunity to think and reason about how water behaves as he pours it into a funnel.
1304.21(a)(4)(i) - Ms. Wignall supports each child’s learning using various strategies including experimentation, inquiry, observation, play and exploration.
Ms. Wignall notices that a boy scoops water at the water table. As he picks up a funnel and begins to pour the water into it, Ms. Wignall asks him where the water goes when he pours it into the funnel. She holds the funnel closer to the boy's eye level so he can see the water coming out of the funnel. Ms. Wignall holds a cup under the funnel as the boy pours water into it and points out that they can catch the water that goes through the funnel. She picks up a colander and encourages him to pour water into that "bowl" and observe what happens to it.
Scientific Skills and Methods
- Begins to participate in simple investigations to test observations, discuss and draw conclusions and form generalizations.
Scientific Knowledge
- Expands knowledge of and abilities to observe, describe and discuss the natural world, materials, living things and natural processes.