Spatial Thinking with Everyday Materials (Infants & Toddlers)

Child playing with eggs.

Children playing with a tote bin.

Child playing with a strainer.

Children playing with kitchen dishes.

Infants and toddlers are continually trying to get a sense of the space around them and their place within it. They figure out how to navigate through the places where they live and play which is necessary in order for them to begin to make sense of space. The core of their spatial reasoning and geometrical thinking begins with these early experiences which is critical in the STEM disciplines.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about a STEM experience for infants and toddlers that they can implement with materials they may already have in the classroom, hands-on experience with the materials, and information about how these experiences meet standards. The Infant Toddler Inquiry Learning Model will be discussed and core elements of STEM will be addressed throughout the workshop as they apply to infant and toddler curriculum. Photos from early childhood classrooms and video of children engaged In STEM experiences with the materials will be part of the presentation.                             

Workshop format:  face-to-face

Length of workshop:  3 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 24

View the experience sheet for this workshop.