Snack Helper


Creating Caring Communities for Learning

3.B.02- Teaching staff create and maintain a setting in which children of differing abilities can progress...toward increasing levels of autonomy and responsibility...

The snack helper responsibilities given to the boy and girl in this clip provide an opportunity for each of them to develop responsibility and autonomy as they fulfill the requirements of the job. The girl setting the table does so without any guidance from teachers and the boy who is a dual language learner passes out milk in a method that works for him. All children are given the same opportunities to share in classroom responsibilities and contribute to the community.



9.5-Awareness of community

Children have an increasing awareness of belonging to a family, community, culture, and program.

A boy and girl show responsibility as a member of a community.

The "snack helper" job means different things in different classrooms. In one classroom, snack helpers distribute snack. A boy brings a bucket with cartons of milk around to his friends so they have something to drink during snack time. In another classroom, a girl distributes cups and straws at each place set around a table, ensuring her friends will have what they need for snack time.

11.1-Comparison and Number

Children understand amount, including use of numbers and counting.

A girl and boy get experience matching numbers one-to-one with objects.

Snack helpers get practical experience with one-to-one correspondence as they pass milk out to the other children in their class and set the table with cups and straws.



Creating Caring Communities for Learning

3.4- Teaching staff create and maintain a setting in which children of differing abilities can progress...toward increasing levels of autonomy and responsibility...

The snack helper responsibilities given to the boy and girl in this clip provide an opportunity for each of them to develop responsibility and autonomy as they fulfill the requirements of the job. The girl setting the table does so without any guidance from teachers and the boy who is a dual language learner passes out milk in a method that works for him. All children are given the same opportunities to share in classroom responsibilities and contribute to the community.



1304.21(c)(1)(v) – The snack helper responsibilities given to both the boy and the girl enhance each child’s understanding of self as an individual and as a member of a group.

These children are given opportunities to share in classroom responsibilities and help out in the community.  Each child has individual responsibility yet all children in the class benefit from each others’ contribution.

1304.23(c)(7) - Children are provided with developmentally appropriate opportunities…in food-related activities.

The "snack helper" job means different things in different classrooms. In one classroom, snack helpers distribute snack. A boy brings a bucket with cartons of milk around to his friends so they have something to drink during snack time. In another classroom, a girl distributes cups and straws at each place set around a table, ensuring her friends will have what they need for snack time.




Number and Operations

  • Demonstrates increasing interest and awareness of numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and determining quality.
  • Develops increasing ability to count in sequence to 10 and beyond.
  • Begins to make use of one to one correspondences in counting objects and matching groups of objects.


Social and Emotional Development


  • Increases abilities to sustain interactions with peers by helping, sharing and discussion.


Approaches to Learning

Initiative and Curiosity

  • Chooses to participate in an increasing variety of tasks and activities

Engagement and Persistence

  • Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences

Reasoning and Problem Solving

  • Grows in recognizing and solving problems through active exploration, including trial and error, and interaction and discussions with peers and adults


Physical Health and Development

Gross Motor

  • Shows increasing levels of proficiency, control and balance in walking, climbing, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, marching and galloping.
  • Shows growing independence in hygiene, nutrition and personal care when eating, dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth and toileting.
  • Builds awareness and ability to follow basic health and safety rules such as fire safety, traffic and pedestrian safety, and responding appropriately to potentially harmful objects, substances and activities.