Sewing Cards and Puzzles
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.B.01- Three boys have...opportunities to engage...with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to them...
The associate is engaged with the boys playing with sewing cards and puzzles. She has a conversation with the boys while they play and asks questions about the pictures on the sewing cards and completed puzzle such as, "Who eats acorns?" and "Did you have a pumpkin at your house?"
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.C.03- Three boys are provided...opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.
The boys use their fine motor skills to thread yarn through sewing cards, grasp the pegs on the peg puzzles, and manipulate the pieces so they will fit when putting together jigsaw puzzles.
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.D.03- Three boys have...opportunities to develop competence in verbal...communication by responding to questions; communicating...thoughts and experiences...
The associate asks the boys playing with sewing cards and puzzles several questions related to what they are doing. The boys have the opportunity to identify pictures and share their own thoughts and experiences when responding to questions ("Who eats acorns?" and "Did you have a pumpkin at your house?").
7.4-Fine Motor Development
Children develop fine motor skills.
Three boys use hand-eye coordination to perform...fine-motor tasks with...manipulative materials including sewing cards and puzzles.
One boy works to put a puzzle together while another is working on a sewing card. The associate asks another boy if he would like a sewing card and when he affirms that he would, she offers him a choice between two cards. As the boy looks for the end of the string to begin lacing, he pulls the string completely out of the card. His first attempt to put the string through the card is unsuccessful and he holds onto the card and begins to play with a puzzle. When the associate notices he is not using the sewing card, but still holding it, she offers to demonstrate the threading technique. The child then continues lacing the card independently.
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.12- Three boys have...opportunities to engage...with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to them...
The associate is engaged with the boys playing with sewing cards and puzzles. She has a conversation with the boys while they play and asks questions about the pictures on the sewing cards and completed puzzle such as, "Who eats acorns?" and "Did you have a pumpkin at your house?"
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.13- Three boys are provided...opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.
The boys use their fine motor skills to thread yarn through sewing cards, grasp the pegs on the peg puzzles, and manipulate the pieces so they will fit when putting together jigsaw puzzles.
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.15- Three boys have...opportunities to develop competence in verbal...communication by responding to questions; communicating...thoughts and experiences...
The associate asks the boys playing with sewing cards and puzzles several questions related to what they are doing. The boys have the opportunity to identify pictures and share their own thoughts and experiences when responding to questions ("Who eats acorns?" and "Did you have a pumpkin at your house?").
1304.21(a)(4)(iii) - The associate promotes interaction and language use…between children and adults through asking questions and sustaining conversations with the boys in her small group.
The associate is engaged with the boys playing with sewing cards and puzzles. She has a conversation with the boys while they play and asks questions about the pictures on the sewing cards and completed puzzle such as, "Who eats acorns?" and "Did you have a pumpkin at your house?"
1304.21(a)(5)(ii) – The associate in this classroom provides appropriate time, space, equipment, materials and adult guidance for the development of fine motor skills according to each child's developmental level.
The boys use their fine motor skills to thread yarn through sewing cards, grasp the pegs on the peg puzzles, and manipulate the pieces so they will fit when putting together jigsaw puzzles.
Language Development
Speaking and Communicating
- Progresses in abilities to initiate and respond appropriately in conversation and discussions with peers and adults.
Approaches to Learning
Engagement and Persistence
- Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences
- Shows growing capacity to maintain concentration over time on a task, question, set of directions or interactions, despite distractions and interruptions.
Physical Health and Development
Fine Motor Skills
- Develops growing strength, dexterity and control needed to use tools such as scissors, paper punch, stapler, and hammer.
- Grows in hand eye coordination in building with blocks, putting together puzzles, reproducing shapes and patterns, stringing beads and using scissors.