Purposeful Writing
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.C.03- Children in Ms. Uhlenberg's class are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine-motor development.
Two girls have been working on an art project that involves gluing cotton swabs on construction paper. When one girl finishes, she gets a marker so she can write her name on her project.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.E.05-Children have multiple and varied opportunities to write: writing materials and activities are readily available... various types of writing are supported...
When a girl in Ms. Uhlenberg's class wants to write her name on an art project, she knows exactly where to find a marker. She writes her name on her project without assistance and then explains that she wrote her name so that people will know that the art project is hers.
7.4-Fine Motor Development
Children develop fine motor skills.
A girl in Ms. Uhlenberg's class uses hand-eye coordination to perform...fine-motor tasks with a variety of manipulative materials...and...shows increased skills in using...writing tools for various learning activities.
A girl completes an art project in Ms. Uhlenberg's class involving gluing cotton swabs on a piece of construction paper. She finds a marker and writes her name on her artwork.
10.3-Early Writing
Children engage in early writing experiences.
A girl in Ms. Uhlenberg's class attempts to communicate with others using...letters to write... and...tells others about intended meaning of drawings and writing.
When a girl finishes an art project in Ms. Uhlenberg's class, she finds a marker to write her name on it. She says "I made my name up here so somebody knows it's mine."
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.13- Children in Ms. Uhlenberg's class are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine-motor development.
Two girls have been working on an art project that involves gluing cotton swabs on construction paper. When one girl finishes, she gets a marker so she can write her name on her project.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Literacy Development
2.21-Children have multiple and varied opportunities to write: writing materials and activities are readily available... various types of writing are supported...
When a girl in Ms. Uhlenberg's class wants to write her name on an art project, she knows exactly where to find a marker. She writes her name on her project without assistance and then explains that she wrote her name so that people will know that the art project is hers.
1304.21(c)(1)(i) - Ms. Uhlenberg supports each child’s individual pattern of development and learning.
A girl completes an art project in Ms. Uhlenberg's class where she was able to choose glue, cotton swabs, construction paper and markers from a variety of materials. She uses the marker to independently write her name on her artwork.
Print Awareness and Concepts
- Develops growing understanding of the different functions of forms of print such as signs, letters, newspapers, lists, messages, and memos
Early Writing
- Develops understanding that writing is a way of communicating for a variety of purposes.
- Progress from using scribbles, shapes, or pictures to represent ideas, to using letter-like symbols, to copying or writing familiar words such as their own name.
Creative Arts
- Gains ability in using different art media and materials in a variety of ways for creative expression and representation.
- Develops growing abilities to plan, work independently, and demonstrate care and persistence in a variety of art projects.
Physical Health and Development
Fine Motor Skills
- Develops growing strength, dexterity and control needed to use tools such as scissors, paper punch, stapler, and hammer.
- Progresses in abilities to use writing, drawing and art tools including pencils, markers, chalk, paint brushes and various types of technology.