Playing a Card Game


Curriculum: Essential Characteristics

2.A.05- Curriculum goals and objectives guide...Ms. Kimpston's...ongoing assessment of children's progress.

While the group plays Uno, Ms. Kimpston documents how each child takes his or her turn during the game. She notes things like whether or not the child recognizes the numeral and names it correctly, how the child chooses to play his or her cards and if the child is able to make a correct play independently.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.F.03- In Ms. Kimpston's class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials to categorize by one or two attributes, such as shape, size, and color.

While playing Uno, the children in Ms. Kimpston's class make decisions about their next turn by looking at the previous card played and deciding if they should use a card of the same number, the same color or if they need to draw a card to play.

Creating Caring Communities for Learning

3.B.02- Ms. Kimpston...creates and maintains a setting in which children of differing abilities can progress, with guidance, toward increasing levels of autonomy...

Children are guided by Ms. Kimpston if they have questions while playing Uno. She reminds them of how the game play works (matching the color or number of the card in the discard pile) and explains special cards when they are played (Draw Two, Skip, etc.). Ms. Kimpston also uses an assistive device for one child with a hearing impairment so that the child can easily participate in the activity.



8.3-Problem Solving

Children demonstrate strategies for reasoning and problem solving.

Children in Ms. Kimpston's class recognize and solve problems through...interactions and discussions with peers and caregivers.

The children playing Uno with Ms. Kimpston work together to solve problems that arise during game play. The first challenge is to make sure that each player starts the game with seven cards. Ms. Kimpston encourages the girl who is dealing the cards to pay attention to how many cards each player has as she is dealing them. The children help each other as needed in identifying a card to play based on either the number on the card or the color.

9.4-Peer Interactions

Children develop the ability to interact with peers respectfully and to form positive peer relationships.

Children in Ms. Kimpston's class take turns with each other.

The children playing Uno with Ms. Kimpston demonstrate that they have learned how to take turns with each other. One child even reminds another when it is her turn.



Curriculum: Essential Characteristics

2.5- Curriculum goals and objectives guide...Ms. Kimpston's...ongoing assessment of children's progress.

While the group plays Uno, Ms. Kimpston documents how each child takes his or her turn during the game. She notes things like whether or not the child recognizes the numeral and names it correctly, how the child chooses to play his or her cards and if the child is able to make a correct play independently.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics

2.24- In Ms. Kimpston's class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials to categorize by one or two attributes, such as shape, size, and color.

While playing Uno, the children in Ms. Kimpston's class make decisions about their next turn by looking at the previous card played and deciding if they should use a card of the same number, the same color or if they need to draw a card to play.

Creating Caring Communities for Learning

3.4- Ms. Kimpston...creates and maintains a setting in which children of differing abilities can progress, with guidance, toward increasing levels of autonomy...

Children are guided by Ms. Kimpston if they have questions while playing Uno. She reminds them of how the game play works (matching the color or number of the card in the discard pile) and explains special cards when they are played (Draw Two, Skip, etc.). Ms. Kimpston also uses an assistive device for one child with a hearing impairment so that the child can easily participate in the activity.



1304.21(a)(3)(i)(C) – Ms. Kimpston encourages self control by setting clear, consistent limits, and having realistic expectations by engaging the children in a game with rules.

Ms. Kimpston selects a card game for the children to play with her in a small group. She chooses Uno because she knows it is developmentally appropriate. The children playing Uno with Ms. Kimpston demonstrate self control by taking turns with each other. One child even reminds another when it is her turn.

1304.21(a)(4)(iv) – Ms. Kimpston supports emerging…numeracy development through materials and activities according to the developmental level of each child by playing Uno with the children.

The children have learned or are learning to recognize the numerals on the cards and state the numeral out loud when each card is played.

1304.21(c)(2) – Ms. Kimpston uses a variety of strategies to promote and support children’s learning and developmental progress based on the observations and ongoing assessment of each child. 

While the group plays Uno, Ms. Kimpston documents how each child takes his or her turn during the game. She notes things like whether or not the child recognizes the numeral and names it correctly, how the child chooses to play his or her cards and if the child is able to make a correct play independently.



Language Development

Listening and Understanding

  • Demonstrates increasing ability to attend to and understand conversations, stories, songs, and poems.
  • Shows progress in understanding and following simple and multiple-step directions.
  • Understands an increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.

Speaking and Communicating

  • Develops increasing abilities to understand and use language to communicate information, experiences, ideas, feelings, opinions, needs, questions, and for other varied purposes
  • Progresses in abilities to initiate and respond appropriately in conversation and discussions with peers and adults.
  • Uses an increasingly complex and varied spoken vocabulary.


Print Awareness and Concepts

  • Shows increasing awareness of print in classroom, home and community settings.


Number and Operations

  • Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways.
  • Develops increasing ability to count in sequence to 10 and beyond.
  • Begins to make use of one to one correspondences in counting objects and matching groups of objects.
  • Develops increased abilities to combine, separate and name “how many” concrete objects.


Scientific Skills and Methods

  • Develops increased ability to observe and discuss common properties, differences and comparisons among objects and materials.
  • Develops growing abilities to conflict, describe and record information through a variety of means, including discussion, drawings, maps, and charts.

Social and Emotional Development


  • Increases abilities to sustain interactions with peers by helping, sharing and discussion.
  • Develops increasing abilities to give and take in interactions; to take turns in games or using materials; and to interact without being overly submissive or directive.

Approaches to Learning

Initiative and Curiosity

  • Develops increased ability to make independent choices

Engagement and Persistence

  • Shows growing capacity to maintain concentration over time on a task, question, set of directions or interactions, despite distractions and interruptions.

Reasoning and Problem Solving

  • Develops increasing abilities to classify, compare and contrast objects, events and experiences

Physical Health and Development

Health Status and Practices

  • Participates actively in games, outdoor play and other forms of exercise that enhance physical fitness.