Paper Airplanes
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.B.01-A boy in Ms. Carlat's class has varied opportunities to engage throughout the day with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to him...
A boy who has just made paper airplanes for everyone in his class is eager to show Ms. Carlat. She acknowledges his accomplishment and helps him count to determine if there is one airplane for every child and teacher in the class.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics
2.F.02- In Ms. Carlat's class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers, number names, and their relationship to object quantities and to symbols.
Ms. Carlat uses a boy's interest in making paper airplanes as an opportunity to reinforce his emerging math skills. Together they count the airplanes and the boy gains experience in one-to-one correspondence.
Responding to Children's Interests and Needs
3.E.04- Ms. Carlat uses her knowledge of children' tailor learning opportunities for groups and individuals.
When a boy in Ms. Carlat's class brings her a stack of paper airplanes he made for his class, she uses the opportunity to encourage development of his math skills. Together they count the airplanes and discover he has made enough for all the children and teachers in the classroom to have one. Ms. Carlat also uses the opportunity to reinforce the idea of community and the social-emotional aspects of thinking about others in a group.
9.5—Awareness of Community
Children have an increasing awareness of belonging to a family, community, culture, and program.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class shows that he values others within the classroom…
A boy begins making several paper airplanes. When he is finished, he shows Ms. Carlat the stack of paper airplanes he made. Together, they count the airplanes and discover that he folded one for each child and teacher in the classroom with one extra airplane.
11.1—Comparison and Number
Children understand amount, including use of numbers and counting.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class counts objects, matching numbers one-to-one with objects.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class is trying to figure out if he made enough paper airplanes for every child and every teacher in the class. There are eighteen children in class and five teachers. Ms. Carlat holds up five fingers and encourages the boy to start counting at nineteen. When he reaches the number twenty-three, Ms. Carlat suggests they count the airplanes to see if there are enough for everyone. They discover he made twenty-four airplanes.
Children explore art through a variety of media.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class expresses ideas about his own artwork…and…relates his artwork to what is happening in the…classroom.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class proudly shows Ms. Carlat a stack of paper airplanes he made. He wants to share his interest in making paper airplanes with his friends and teachers and he makes an airplane for every child and teacher in the class, plus an extra one.
Areas of Development: Social-Emotional
2.12-A boy in Ms. Carlat's class has varied opportunities to engage throughout the day with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to him...
A boy who has just made paper airplanes for everyone in his class is eager to show Ms. Carlat. She acknowledges his accomplishment and helps him count to determine if there is one airplane for every child and teacher in the class.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics
2.23- In Ms. Carlat's class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers, number names, and their relationship to object quantities and to symbols.
Ms. Carlat uses a boy's interest in making paper airplanes as an opportunity to reinforce his emerging math skills. Together they count the airplanes and the boy gains experience in one-to-one correspondence.
Responding to Children's Interests and Needs
3.12- Ms. Carlat uses her knowledge of children' tailor learning opportunities for groups and individuals.
When a boy in Ms. Carlat's class brings her a stack of paper airplanes he made for his class, she uses the opportunity to encourage development of his math skills. Together they count the airplanes and discover he has made enough for all the children and teachers in the classroom to have one. Ms. Carlat also uses the opportunity to reinforce the idea of community and the social-emotional aspects of thinking about others in a group.
1304.21(a)(3)(i)(D) - Ms. Carlat encourages a boy’s respect for the feelings and rights of others by helping him to determine if he had made a paper airplane for every member in the class.
A boy chooses to use his center time to make paper airplanes for the children in his classroom. After making a large amount of paper airplanes, he takes them to Ms. Carlat. Ms. Carlat has the boy count the airplanes and they discover he has made enough for the entire class, including the teachers, and even ends up with one extra.
1304.21(a)(4)(ii) - Ms. Carlat ensures opportunities for creative self-expression through activities such as art, music, movement, and dialogue by allowing children to choose activities and be creative during center time.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class proudly shows Ms. Carlat a stack of paper airplanes he made. He wants to share his interest in making paper airplanes with his friends and teachers and he makes an airplane for every child and teacher in the class, plus an extra one.
1304.21(c)(1)(v) – Ms. Carlat enhances one child’s understanding of self as an individual and as a member of a group.
A boy begins making several paper airplanes. When he is finished, he shows Ms. Carlat the stack of paper airplanes he made. Together, they count the airplanes and discover that he folded one for each child and teacher in the classroom with one extra airplane. After counting the airplanes, Ms. Carlat discusses with the boy how wonderful it was for him to make one for every member of the classroom.
Language Development
Speaking and Communicating
- Progresses in abilities to initiate and respond appropriately in conversation and discussions with peers and adults.
Number and Operations
- Demonstrates increasing interest and awareness of numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and determining quality.
- Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways.
- Develops increasing ability to count in sequence to 10 and beyond.
- Begins to make use of one to one correspondences in counting objects and matching groups of objects.
Creative Arts
- Gains ability in using different art media and materials in a variety of ways for creative expression and representation.
- Progresses in abilities to create drawings, paintings, models, and other art creations that are more detailed, creative or realistic.
- Develops growing abilities to plan, work independently, and demonstrate care and persistence in a variety of art projects.
- Begins to understand and share options about artistic products and experiences.
Social and Emotional Development
- Increases abilities to sustain interactions with peers by helping, sharing and discussion.
- Develops increasing abilities to give and take in interactions; to take turns in games or using materials; and to interact without being overly submissive or directive.
Social Relationships
- Demonstrates increasing comfort in talking with and accepting guidance and directions from a range of familiar adults
- Shows progress in developing friendships with peers
Approaches to Learning
Initiative and Curiosity
- Develops increased ability to make independent choices
- Approaches tasks and activities with increased flexibility, imagination and inventiveness.
Engagement and Persistence
- Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences
- Demonstrates increasing ability to set goals and develop and follow through on plans.
- Shows growing capacity to maintain concentration over time on a task, question, set of directions or interactions, despite distractions and interruptions.
Physical Health and Development
Fine Motor Skills
- Grows in hand eye coordination in building with blocks, putting together puzzles, reproducing shapes and patterns, stringing beads and using scissors.