Brushing Teeth


A teacher shows a group of young children how to brush their teeth.



Areas of Development: Physical Development

2.C.03— In Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.

Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads children in a daily routine of tooth brushing. The children have frequent opportunities to develop their fine motor skills using a tooth brush.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Health and Safety

2.K.01— Children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials that encourage good health practices such as…tooth brushing.

As part of the children’s daily routine, Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads the children in tooth brushing. She mentions that they need to “get all the sugar bugs out” and at the end of the routine she talking about getting germs out by brushing their tongues.

Using Instruction to Deepen Children’s Understanding and Build Their Skills and Knowledge

3.G.13— Ms. Nitchais-Reierson promotes children’s engagement and learning by…guiding them in acquiring specific skills and by explicitly teaching those skills.

Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads the children in her class in a tooth brushing routine. She uses phrases the children can easily remember while she teaches (“We’re going upstairs, bristles up!”). She models the action of the toothbrush while she’s giving the children verbal cues about which part of their teeth to brush.


7.1—Healthy and Safe Living

Children understand healthy and safe living practices.

Children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class follow healthy self-care routines (brushing teeth…).

As part of their daily routine, children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class brush their teeth, following Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s lead.

7.4—Fine Motor Development

Children develop fine motor skills.

Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and fine-motor tasks with a variety of manipulative materials.

Children brushing their teeth in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class develop fine motor skills while they are learning an essential self-care routine.


Children show increasing ability to regulate their behavior and express their emotions in appropriate ways.

The children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class show increasing capacity to monitor their own behavior, following and contributing to classroom procedures…and…use materials purposefully, safely, and respectfully.

Children brushing their teeth in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class follow her example without behavioral challenges. They use their toothbrushes in the manner they were intended to be used and complete the routine appropriately.


Areas of Development: Physical Development

2.13— In Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.

Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads children in a daily routine of tooth brushing. The children have frequent opportunities to develop their fine motor skills using a tooth brush.

Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Health and Safety

2.33— Children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class are provided varied opportunities and materials that encourage good health practices such as…tooth brushing.

As part of the children’s daily routine, Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads the children in tooth brushing. She mentions that they need to “get all the sugar bugs out” and at the end of the routine she talking about getting germs out by brushing their tongues.

Using Instruction to Deepen Children’s Understanding and Build Their Skills and Knowledge

3.20— Ms. Nitchais-Reierson promotes children’s engagement and learning by…guiding them in acquiring specific skills and by explicitly teaching those skills.

Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads the children in her class in a tooth brushing routine. She uses phrases the children can easily remember while she teaches (“We’re going upstairs, bristles up!”). She models the action of the toothbrush while she’s giving the children verbal cues about which part of their teeth to brush.


1304.21 (a)(1)(iv) – Ms. Nitchais-Reierson has a balanced daily routine of child initiated and adult directed activities.

As part of their daily routine, children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class brush their teeth, following Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s lead.

1304.21 (a)(5)(ii) – Ms. Nitchais-Reierson provides appropriate time, space, equipment, materials and adult guidance for the development of fine motor skills according to each child’s developmental level through the routine of brushing teeth.

Children brushing their teeth in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class develop fine motor skills while they are learning an essential self-care routine.

1304.23 (b)(3) - Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class practices effective dental hygiene among children in conjunction with meals.

Following snack time, Ms. Nitchais-Reierson leads the children in tooth brushing. She mentions that they need to “get all the sugar bugs out” and at the end of the routine she talks about getting germs out by brushing their tongues.


Social and Emotional Development

Self Concept

  • Develops growing capacity for independence in a range of activities, routines, and tasks.

Self Control

  • Demonstrates increasing capacity to follow rules and routines and use materials purposefully, safely, and respectfully.

Physical Health and Development

Fine Motor Skills

  • Develops growing strength, dexterity and control needed to use tools such as scissors, paper punch, stapler, and hammer.

Health Status and Practices

  • Shows growing independence in hygiene, nutrition and personal care when eating, dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth and toileting.