STEM Learning with Infants & Toddlers

Babies crawling on the floor

Toddler looking at a caterpillar.

Child using a soap pump.

Two babies playing with plastic toys.

Infants and toddlers think like scientists. They explore, hypothesize, try things out, and rethink when their results are not satisfactory. When infant and toddler educators understand what STEM means for young children, many will find that they are already providing science, technology, engineering, and math in their daily activities. With some consideration of the language used to scaffold these activities, re-organizing of the classroom space, increased scrutiny of the visual displays, and the addition of some recycled or inexpensive materials, educators can turn classroom activities into inquiry learning experiences that infants and toddlers will return to again and again.

This workshop will describe a model for how young children engage in STEM investigations when teachers design and engineer experiences and environments that are tailored to children’s specific needs and interests. Photos and video exemplars from classrooms where children are engaged in inquiry learning experiences will be shared and participants will be introduced to materials that engage infants and toddlers in STEM explorations.

Workshop format:  face-to-face

Length of workshop:  3 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 24

View the experience sheet for this workshop.

Part One:  This virtual workshop will describe a model for how infants and toddlers engage in inquiry learning when teachers design and engineer educational experiences and classroom environments that are tailored to children's specific needs and interests. Video exemplars and photos will be used to assist educators in implementing inquiry learning opportunities in the their infant and toddler environments.

Workshop format:  virtual

Length of workshop:  1.5 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 50

View the experience sheet for this workshop.

Part Two:  This virtual workshop will describe a model for how infants and toddlers engage in inquiry learning when teachers design and engineer educational experiences and classroom environments that are tailored to children's specific needs and interests. Guidelines for engaging learners, providing opportunities, arranging the environment, and selecting materials that will promote inquiry and deepen children’s learning will be shared.

Workshop format:  virtual

Length of workshop:  1.5 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 50

View the experience sheet for this workshop.