Where's The Fire?
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.D.04- A boy has opportunities to develop vocabulary through conversations...
A boy talks with a classroom associate about a chart showing houses where people in the class live. The houses are numbered and the associate is talking with the boy about which houses are safe and which houses are not safe depending on if the houses are on fire or not.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Creative Expression and Appreciation for the Arts
2.J.06-Children in Ms. Hand's class are provided many and varied open-ended opportunities and materials to express themselves creatively through...drama...
A girl takes on the role of an emergency dispatcher as she sits at a desk, wearing a firefighter's helmet, talking on a phone and writing in a notebook. She warns a classroom associate of a fire at house number 10. The associate relays that information to a boy she's been talking to and asks if he has his fire gear ready.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Social Studies
2.L.04- The children in Ms. Hand's class are provided opportunities and materials to explore social roles in the family and workplace through play.
Firefighter equipment in the dramatic play center gives children the opportunity to explore the roles of emergency workers such as firefighters and emergency dispatchers.
10.1-Language Understanding and Use
Children understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
Children show a steady increase in listening and speaking vocabulary ... initiates, listens, and responds appropriately in conversations with peers and caregivers...
A classroom associate talks with a boy about a chart showing houses that children and teachers live in. As part of a dramatic play theme, they talk about which houses are safe because there is no fire there and which houses are on fire.
11.1-Comparison and Number
Children understand amount, including use of numbers and counting.
A boy shows recognition and naming of numerals.
A classroom associate looks at a chart showing houses where people in the class live. She points to a house and says, "That's number eight. I live there and there's no fire there." She continues by pointing to another house and tells the boy, "Ava says there's a fire here at number 10. Do you have your fire gear ready to go?". The associate points to the house next to it and asks the boy what number is on the house. He replies "11."
12.3-Dramatic Play
Children engage in dramatic play experiences.
Children in Ms. Hand's class show creativity and imagination to use materials and assume different roles in dramatic play situations.
Ava sits at a desk wearing a firefighter's helmet and pretends to talk on the phone and take notes. She tells the classroom associate that there is a fire at the number 10 house on their chart much like a dispatcher would do. Another boy dressed as a firefighter discusses with the associate which houses are on fire and which houses are not (safe and unsafe).
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.16- A boy has opportunities to develop vocabulary through conversations...
A boy talks with a classroom associate about a chart showing houses where people in the class live. The houses are numbered and the associate is talking with the boy about which houses are safe and which houses are not safe depending on if the houses are on fire or not.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Creative Expression and Appreciation for the Arts
2.32-Children in Ms. Hand's class are provided many and varied open-ended opportunities and materials to express themselves creatively through...drama...
A girl takes on the role of an emergency dispatcher as she sits at a desk, wearing a firefighter's helmet, talking on a phone and writing in a notebook. She warns a classroom associate of a fire at house number 10. The associate relays that information to a boy she's been talking to and asks if he has his fire gear ready.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Social Studies
2.39- The children in Ms. Hand's class are provided opportunities and materials to explore social roles in the family and workplace through play.
Firefighter equipment in the dramatic play center gives children the opportunity to explore the roles of emergency workers such as firefighters and emergency dispatchers.
1304.21(a)(1)(iv) – Ms. Hand provides a balanced daily program of child-initiated and adult-directed activities, including individual and small group activities.
During center time in Ms. Hand’s classroom children lead a play scenario pretending to be firefighters. An associate of the classroom plays along and follows the children’s lead while asking questions to expand their learning.
1304.21(a)(4)(ii) –Ms. Hand ensures opportunities for creative self-expression through activities such as…dialogue.
Ava sits at a desk wearing a firefighter's helmet and pretends to talk on the phone and take notes. She tells the classroom associate that there is a fire at the number 10 house on their chart much like a dispatcher would do. Another boy dressed as a firefighter discusses with the associate which houses are on fire and which houses are not (safe and unsafe).
Language Development
Listening and Understanding
- Understands an increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.
Speaking and Communicating
- Develops increasing abilities to understand and use language to communicate information, experiences, ideas, feelings, opinions, needs, questions, and for other varied purposes
- Progresses in abilities to initiate and respond appropriately in conversation and discussions with peers and adults.
Print Awareness and Concepts
- Shows increasing awareness of print in classroom, home and community settings.
- Shows progress in recognizing the association between spoken and written words by following print as it is read aloud.
Number and Operations
- Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways.
Creative Arts
Dramatic Play
- Participates in a variety of dramatic play activities that become more extended and complex.
- Shows growing creativity and imagination in using materials and in assuming different roles in dramatic play situations.
Social and Emotional Development
Knowledge of Families and Communities
- Begins to express and understand concepts and language of geography in the context of their classroom, home, and community.
Approaches to Learning
Initiative and Curiosity
- Approaches tasks and activities with increased flexibility, imagination and inventiveness.