Let’s Play Games: How to Make Math Fun
When teachers introduce games that emphasize hands-on and interactive learning, children develop STEM concepts and habits of mind. Games that interest children and stimulate their thinking support logical thinking, number sense, oral language, reading, writing. Teachers who understand the value of playing games do not simply teach children how to play the game. They recognize children’s interest in playing games and capitalize on this opportunity to develop children’s reasoning and their ability to cooperate. Playing group games in the classroom provides many opportunities for children to grow cognitively as they learn to take another person’s perspective, calculate a score, or negotiate rules of the game.
Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to play a variety of games for children ages three to adult. Games will be shared that can be downloaded and printed to use in classrooms or to share with families.
Workshop format: face-to-face
Length of workshop: 3 hours
Number of participants: limited to 24