I Can Do This By Myself
Persistence pays off for a boy putting a puzzle together.
Curriculum: Essential Characteristics
2.A.08— Materials and equipment used to implement the curriculum:…in Ms. Carlat’s room are… appropriately challenging… are organized to support independent use… and…are rotated to… accommodate new interests and skill levels.
Board puzzles often capture children’s interests and are challenging at a variety of skill levels. This puzzle presented a challenge for the boy putting it together, but with repetition his skill levels will increase and he will likely seek more challenging puzzles as they are made available. The puzzles in Ms. Carlat’s classroom are stored so that they are accessible to the children to select on their own.
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.C.03— Children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.
Board puzzles require manipulation that supports fine motor development. These puzzles are available during center time for children to use.
Designing Enriched Learning Environments
3.A.04— Ms. Carlat organizes space and selects materials…to stimulate exploration…and conceptual learning.
The boy putting a puzzle together in Ms. Carlat’s room learns spatial concepts as he figures out how to place the pieces of the puzzle.
7.4—Fine Motor Development
Children develop fine motor skills.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class uses hand-eye coordination to perform…fine-motor tasks with a variety of manipulative materials.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class uses his fine motor skills as he carefully turns the pieces to put a puzzle together.
8.2—Engagement and Persistence
Children purposefully choose and persist in experiences and activities.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class persists in and completes…self-initiated tasks…and … maintains concentration on a task.
A boy putting a puzzle together in Ms. Carlat’s class is not immediately successful. He persists over a period of several minutes and completes the puzzle. During that time, his concentration is completely focused on finishing the puzzle.
Children show increasing ability to regulate their behavior and express their emotions in appropriate ways.
A boy shows increasing capacity to monitor…his…own behavior… and…uses materials…respectfully.
During center time, a boy in Ms. Carlat’s class works quietly by himself to complete a puzzle. When he finishes the puzzle, he places it back on the shelf where he found it.
Curriculum: Essential Characteristics
2.8— Materials and equipment used to implement the curriculum:…in Ms. Carlat’s room are… appropriately challenging… are organized to support independent use… and…are rotated to… accommodate new interests and skill levels.
Board puzzles often capture children’s interests and are challenging at a variety of skill levels. This puzzle presented a challenge for the boy putting it together, but with repetition his skill levels will increase and he will likely seek more challenging puzzles as they are made available. The puzzles in Ms. Carlat’s classroom are stored so that they are accessible to the children to select on their own.
Areas of Development: Physical Development
2.13— Children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.
Board puzzles require manipulation that supports fine motor development. These puzzles are available during center time for children to use.
Designing Enriched Learning Environments
3.1— Ms. Carlat organizes space and selects materials…to stimulate exploration…and conceptual learning.
The boy putting a puzzle together in Ms. Carlat’s room learns spatial concepts as he figures out how to place the pieces of the puzzle.
1304.21(a)(3)(i)(B) – Ms. Carlat supports social and emotional development by fostering independence.
A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class works independently on a puzzle during center time. This puzzle is challenging for him but he works until he is able to successfully compete the puzzle.
1304.21(a)(5)(ii) – Ms. Carlat provides appropriate time, space, equipment, and materials…for the development of fine motor skills according to each child’s developmental level.
Board puzzles require manipulation that supports fine motor development. These puzzles are available during center time for children to use. A boy in Ms. Carlat’s class uses his fine motor skills as he carefully turns the pieces to put a puzzle together.
Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Progresses in ability to put together and take apart shapes.
Social and Emotional Development
Self Concept
- Begins to develop and express awareness of self in terms of specific abilities, characteristics and preferences.
- Develops growing capacity for independence in a range of activities, routines, and tasks.
Approaches to Learning
Initiative and Curiosity
- Chooses to participate in an increasing variety of tasks and activities
- Develops increased ability to make independent choices
Engagement and Persistence
- Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects and experiences
- Shows growing capacity to maintain concentration over time on a task, question, set of directions or interactions, despite distractions and interruptions.
Physical Health and Development
Fine Motor Skills
- Grows in hand eye coordination in building with blocks, putting together puzzles, reproducing shapes and patterns, stringing beads and using scissors.