How Do They Fit?
Problem solving and math skills develop during an activity.
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.D.04— Brian has opportunities to develop vocabulary through…experiences…
During this activity Brian has the opportunity to become familiar with directional vocabulary such as “horizontal” and “vertical”.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics
2.F.02— Brian is provided with opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers…
Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian how many of his pieces of paper are horizontal and how many are vertical. After he answers, Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian how many pieces of paper he used in total. He puts a finger on each piece as he counts them before telling her “8.”
Making Learning Meaningful for All Children
3.F.04— Ms. Nitchais-Reierson helps Brian understand spoken language… by using… physical cues.
When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian about the pieces of paper he used during their activity, she says, “How many horizontal ones do you have?” as she moves her finger from side to side to indicate what she means by horizontal. Brian asks, “You mean like that?” as he moves his finger side to side in a similar motion. When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson confirms that he understands her question, he begins to count the pieces of paper that are placed horizontally.
9.3—Relationships with Caregivers
Children relate positively to caregivers who work with them.
Brian interacts comfortably with…and…shows trust in familiar caregivers.
When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian about the design he chose for the activity his group has been working on, he shows a high level of comfort and trust explaining his work to her.
10.1—Language Understanding and Use
Children understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
Brian shows an increase in listening and speaking vocabulary...he… listens, and responds appropriately in conversations…and…answers a variety of question types.
Brian shows comprehension of the word “horizontal.” When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks him how many of his pieces of paper are horizontal, he confirms her intended meaning by asking “like this?” and moving his finger in a side to side motion. Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks questions such as “How did you put that together?”, “Did you put your blocks horizontal or vertical?” and “How many blocks did you use altogether?”
11.1—Comparison and Number
Children understand amount, including use of numbers and counting.
Brian matches numbers one-to-one with objects.
When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian how many pieces of paper he used to create his design, he touches each rectangle as he counts to eight, demonstrating one-to-one correspondence.
Areas of Development: Language Development
2.16— Brian has opportunities to develop vocabulary through…experiences…
During this activity Brian has the opportunity to become familiar with directional vocabulary such as “horizontal” and “vertical”.
Curriculum Content Areas for Cognitive Development: Early Mathematics
2.23— Brian is provided with opportunities and materials to build understanding of numbers…
Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian how many of his pieces of paper are horizontal and how many are vertical. After he answers, Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian how many pieces of paper he used in total. He puts a finger on each piece as he counts them before telling her “8.”
Making Learning Meaningful for All Children
3.15— Ms. Nitchais-Reierson helps Brian understand spoken language… by using… physical cues.
When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian about the pieces of paper he used during their activity, she says, “How many horizontal ones do you have?” as she moves her finger from side to side to indicate what she means by horizontal. Brian asks, “You mean like that?” as he moves his finger side to side in a similar motion. When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson confirms that he understands her question, he begins to count the pieces of paper that are placed horizontally.
1304.21(a)(1)(iv) – Ms. Nitchais-Reierson provides a balanced daily program of child-initiated and adult-directed activities, including individual and small group activities.
The children in Ms. Nitchais-Reierson’s class are divided into small groups to work on a math activity. She directs the activity by providing them with a challenge but each child is free to work independently to come up with his or her own solution.
1304.21(c)(1)(i) - Ms. Nitchais-Reierson supports each child’s individual pattern of development and learning by encouraging Brian to communicate how he glued the paper rectangles onto his square paper.
When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson asks Brian about the pieces of paper he used during their activity, she says, “How many horizontal ones do you have?” as she moves her finger from side to side to indicate what she means by horizontal. Brian asks, “You mean like that?” as he moves his finger side to side in a similar motion. When Ms. Nitchais-Reierson confirms that he understands her question, he begins to count the pieces of paper that are placed horizontally.
Language Development
Listening and Understanding
- Shows progress in understanding and following simple and multiple-step directions.
- Understands an increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.
Speaking and Communicating
- Develops increasing abilities to understand and use language to communicate information, experiences, ideas, feelings, opinions, needs, questions, and for other varied purposes
Number and Operations
- Begins to make use of one to one correspondences in counting objects and matching groups of objects.
Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Progresses in ability to put together and take apart shapes.
Social and Emotional Development
Social Relationships
- Demonstrates increasing comfort in talking with and accepting guidance and directions from a range of familiar adults