Sherri Peterson, MS, MA
Sherri Peterson, MS, MA
Program Coordinator
Sherri Peterson, MS, MA
Program Coordinator
Sherri Peterson brings nearly four decades of experience in early childhood to the center’s work. Holding a BS in Child Development and an MS in Family and Consumer Science from Iowa State University and an MA in Educational Leadership from the University of Northern Iowa, she has worked as an early childhood teacher, lead teacher, STEM coach, and preschool instructional coach in a large urban school district and as an early childhood special education teacher, Early ACCESS Coordinator, and ECSE consultant for an area education agency in northwest Iowa.
Peterson is an advocate for developmentally appropriate practice and inclusive learning environments for all children and currently developing STEM professional learning for teachers of infants and toddlers and implementing STEM professional learning opportunities for early childhood teachers in Iowa. She regularly presents at state, local, and national conventions.