Mi Yang
Mi Yang

Mi Yang
Mi Yang is a key leader in the development, program design, network, and sustainability of the first Preschool STEM Program along with the Preschool STEM Curriculum in Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) currently in year 4 serving over 150 children and their parents. The Preschool STEM Curriculum is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), MN Early Indicators of Progress (ECIP), MN Parenting Core Curriculum Framework Standards, and Minneapolis Public Schools Focused Instruction.
Mi is a Licensed Parent Educator with Minneapolis Public Schools ECFE. Currently, Mi teaches diverse groups of parents through hands-on strategies to continue STEM at home. Mi wrote the parenting component of Preschool STEM Curriculum to include STEM content, child development, home activities, and parent assessments. Mi has been teaching and leading since 2000, is passionate about parent engagement and developing program models and writing curriculum makes her happy. Mi is currently pursuing her Doctor of Education in K-12 Leadership at Bethel University, St. Paul, MN.
Participation in the NSF Ramps and Pathways Project
2012 Professional Development training for Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood staff in Minneapolis, MN.
What has R & P meant to you professionally as an early educator?
The Ramps and Pathways training sparked the flame to how we disseminate STEM content to parents. It was a gift to the issue of how to give STEM information to parents that we struggled with for a whole year.
How has R & P changed your approach to early science learning?
Ramps and Pathways is in our third unit: Systems: Let's Move!
What has been your greatest intrinsic reward using R & P with young children?
My greatest intrinsic reward with Ramps and Pathways is that it's free...learning is free. We can help parents to identify ramps and pathways in the environment such as the slide, the streets, and sidewalks. We can use materials we already have at home such as pillows, chairs and recycle materials such as toilet paper tubes to create ramps and pathways.
Surprising outcome(s) using R & P with young children?
Its amazing to see ramps and pathways naturally cross cultures to allow all parents to investigate, problem solve, and ask productive questions in the different communities and in the different languages.
What words of wisdom would you share with early educators implementing R & P for the first time?
Use objects that are found in the families community and culture and don't forget that parents are their children's first and most important teacher. Therefore, help the parents to understand what you are teaching the children at school and how they can support those same ideas at home.
What should parents and administrators know about R & P?
Ramps and pathways don't have to cost a lot of money. Ask your local hardware store to donate wall moldings, PVC pipes, wood blocks, and various objects.
- Current - Doctor of Education: K-12 Leadership - Bethel University St. Paul, MN
- 2004 - MA Human Services: Emphasis in Family Studies - Concordia University St. Paul, MN
- 2000 - BA Education: Parent Education and Early Childhood - Concordia University St. Paul, MN
- Currently Parent Educator in Preschool STEM in Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS).
- Parent Educator and Early Childhood Teacher in ECFE with MPS and St. Paul Public Schools (SPPS).
- Coordinator of the North Star Private Grant: Parent Engagement in Wellstone Elementary School with SPPS for 3 years.
- Coordinator of the St. Paul Public Schools Even Start: Family Literacy Program in ECFE with SPPS for 4 years.
- Wrote/Co-wrote the following curriculums: Preschool STEM (MPS), Growing to Succeed (MPS), School to Home Success (SPPS), Parent Involvement through Grade-Level Events (SPPS), and Parent Involvement at Home (SPPS).
- Professional Development Master Trainer with the MN Center for Professional Development.