Lu Ann Polejewski
Lu Ann Polejewski

Lu Ann Polejewski
Lu Ann Polejewski is a key leader in the development, program design, network, and sustainability of the first Preschool STEM Program along with the Preschool STEM Curriculum in Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) currently in year 4 serving over 150 children and their parents. The Preschool STEM Curriculum is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), MN Early Indicators of Progress (ECIP), MN Parenting Core Curriculum Framework Standards, and Minneapolis Public Schools Focused Instruction.
Lu Ann is a Licensed Early Childhood Teacher with Minneapolis Public School’s ECFE. Lu Ann teaches a diverse group of preschool students with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences exploring their world. Lu Ann wrote the children’s component of Preschool STEM Curriculum utilizing the Ramps and Pathways research and activities along with other resources like PreK Legos and Simple Machine exploration and discovery. Lu Ann is a passionate teacher leader and has a vision for PreK STEM that will engage all young children in building 2st Century skills. Lu Ann has her STEM Certification and Masters in Education from the College of St. Catherine’s in St. Paul, MN.