Linda May Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Linda May Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Emerita Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

Linda May Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Emerita Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Linda May Fitzgerald is an emerita professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Northern Iowa. In retirement she is an active member of the campus advisory board for the Iowa Regents’ Center for Early Developmental Education at UNI. She is making a transition to becoming an environmental educator, and she plans to contribute to the development of life sciences in the STEM experiences disseminated by the Iowa Regents’ Center.
In her teaching career, she prepared preservice teachers to accept into their early childhood classroom communities a wide variety of children, with a focus on the inclusion of individuals with disabilities. She took particular delight in working with practitioners who were becoming teachers of teachers in the EdD program, which is now a member of the Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED). She also supervised practicing teachers as they found problems in their practice to research for their master’s degrees.
In both programs she taught self-study methods such as those in proceedings and books she has co-edited and to which she has contributed, such as Research Methods for the Self-Study of Practice, Learning Communities in Practice, and the Self-Study and Diversity series, for which a third volume is now in progress.