Can I Play?


Kyla is welcomed into a group during center time.



Areas of Development: Social-Emotional

2.B.01— Children have…opportunities to engage throughout the day with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to them, and facilitate their social competence and their ability to learn through interacting with others.  

A classroom associate plays with children while they hammer golf tees into a pumpkin. She asks the children about various aspects of what they are doing. When Kyla wants to join the group, the associate asks the other children if there is another hammer Kyla can use.

Areas of Development: Physical Development

2.C.03— In Ms Hand’s class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.

Using the plastic hammers to drive golf tees into a pumpkin provides the children in Ms. Hand’s class a safe opportunity to develop fine motor skills.



8.2—Engagement and Persistence

Children purposefully choose and persist in experiences and activities.

The children in Ms. Hand’s class persist in…caregiver-directed…tasks

Several children choose to hammer golf tees into a pumpkin that Ms. Hand set up as a center time activity. The large number of tees already in the pumpkin indicates many children have been persistent in hammering tees into the pumpkin.

9.4—Peer Interactions

Children develop the ability to interact with peers respectfully and to form positive peer relationships.

Children in Ms. Hand’s class sustain interactions with peers…and…develop friendships with other peers.

Several children are gathered around a pumpkin hammering golf tees into it. The children have a conversation with a classroom associate about what they are doing. When Kyla wants to join the group, the children welcome her and provide her with the materials she needs to participate in the activity.

9.5—Awareness of Community

Children have an increasing awareness of belonging to a family, community, culture, and program.

The children in Ms. Hand’s class demonstrate that they value others within the classroom/program.

The children hammering golf tees into a pumpkin have a conversation with the classroom associate. When Kyla wants to join the group, the children accept her and one girl gives Kyla a hammer while the associate gives Kyla some golf tees.



Areas of Development: Social-Emotional

2.12— Children have…opportunities to engage throughout the day with teaching staff who are attentive and responsive to them, and facilitate their social competence and their ability to learn through interacting with others.  

A classroom associate plays with children while they hammer golf tees into a pumpkin. She asks the children about various aspects of what they are doing. When Kyla wants to join the group, the associate asks the other children if there is another hammer Kyla can use.

Areas of Development: Physical Development

2.13— In Ms Hand’s class, children are provided varied opportunities and materials that support fine motor development.

Using the plastic hammers to drive golf tees into a pumpkin provides the children in Ms. Hand’s class a safe opportunity to develop fine motor skills.



1304.21(c)(1)(i) - Ms. Hand’s classroom enhances each child’s understanding of self as an individual and as a member of a group.

Several children are gathered around a pumpkin hammering golf tees into it. When Kyla wants to join the group, the children welcome her and provide her with the materials she needs to participate in the activity.

1304.21(c)(1)(iv) - Ms. Hand’s classroom is a nurturing environment that allows children to develop emotional security and facility in social relationships.

The children hammering golf tees into a pumpkin have a conversation with the classroom associate, demonstrating that the children feel comfortable with this adult in their classroom. When Kyla wants to join the group, she freely asks if she can play and the children accept her. One girl gives Kyla a hammer while the associate gives Kyla some golf tees so that she can fully participate in the activity.



Language Development

Listening and Understanding

  • Demonstrates increasing ability to attend to and understand conversations, stories , songs, and poems.

Speaking and Communicating

  • Develops increasing abilities to understand and use language to communicate information, experiences, ideas, feelings, opinions, needs, questions, and for other varied purposes.



Scientific Skills and Methods

  • Begins to use senses and a variety of tools and simple measuring devices to gather information, investigate materials and observe processes and relationships.


Social and Emotional Development

Self Control

  • Demonstrates increasing capacity to follow rules and routines and use materials purposefully, safely, and respectfully.


  • Develops increasing abilities to give and take in interactions; to take turns in games or using materials; and to interact without being overly submissive or directive.


Approaches to Learning

Engagement and Persistence

  • Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety of tasks, activities, projects, and experiences.


Physical Health and Development

Fine Motor Skills

  • Grows in hand eye coordination in building with blocks, putting together puzzles, reproducing shapes and patterns, stringing beads and using scissors.